Due to the corona pandemic, we are all at home as much as possible. Because you see the same rooms every day, it is understandable that you are completely finished with your current interior. Despite the fact that the shops are closed, you can still give your interior a small make-over with these nice tips. Remember, you can always go back to the old one so be sure to try something out!
Changing your accessories can change a lot in the room. Since we cannot shop in nice interior stores at the moment, it is a bit more difficult to find the perfect accessories. Therefore, move your accessories instead of buying new ones. Swap your current living room accessories with your bedroom accessories. That way you don’t have to leave the house and you can reuse the stuff. Another great idea is to swap accessories with your neighbors or friends. This way you temporarily have another statue to look at.
Changing a particular color in your home can also make a lot of difference. For example, you can choose to give a wall a new color or to stain that old wooden cabinet again. Choosing the right color is currently very difficult, especially if you don’t have color samples at home, but you can also see it as a challenge. With color the options are endless, but a pattern can also cheer you up in this day and age. So choose a nice wallpaper or even a mural to completely pimp up a certain room.
By being at home a lot you are constantly looking at the same layout of furniture. That is why it is also a nice idea to give certain furniture a different place. For example, put the bed against another wall. Swap the dining area with the sitting area. Or move your home workplace to another room for a short time. That way you don’t have to stare for days at the armchair you have been looking at since the start of the pandemic.