
Sustainable living

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Sustainability, a word that we have been using more and more in recent years. Sustainability means the balance between people, the environment and the economy. In this way a person has everything that is necessary, but at the level that our earth does not become exhausted.

People will eat less or no meat, separate their waste, make less use of air traffic and are consciously concerned with the emissions they produce.

With a small adjustment in daily life you can live a much more sustainable life. By adjusting small habits, you also contribute to a better world.

Below are a few tips for living more sustainably;

Produce as little waste as possible. Ban the disposable products. Switch to reusable packaging such as reusable straws, cups, cotton pads. buttercream bags and so on. Do your shopping without packaging and store the products in glass containers and jars. This way you produce less waste and help to reduce the waste problem.


Eat vegetarian more often. A lot of water is used in the production of meat. During the production of 100 g of beef, 1500 liters of water are used. In addition, many natural areas are deforested for production and it emits a lot of greenhouse gases. For some people, giving up meat is a big challenge, so eating less meat can also be a big change in the right direction. Water consumption


Sustainable travel. Traveling by plane is of course super fun and convenient, but very bad for the environment. A plane trip from Amsterdam to Nice, France emits about 240 kilos of CO2 per person. If you make the same journey by train, it emits 25 kilos of CO2. Take the train more often when you travel. Co2 emissions


Secondhand clothing. The clothing industry is also a polluting factor for the environment. An easy and fun way to contribute to this problem is to buy and sell clothes. If you no longer wear clothes, you can often make someone else happy with them. This means less clothing is wasted unnecessarily and less production is required. This does not only apply to clothing, but to all necessities. A day of snooping in the thrift shop never hurts.


When you walk through a residential area you see it more and more, solar panels. By generating your own green energy, you contribute to a better world. By producing energy yourself, the energy bill decreases and the energy that you do not use yourself can be sold to energy suppliers. (The costs of purchasing the solar panels are recouped within 10 years, so from then on you can start making a profit).