It is always difficult to explain what exactly a design process entails. For many people, designing is something vague, because creativity can not be approached from exact science. It is not something that can always be expressed in the same way: it is an iterative process in which the end result and the path to it can not yet be fully mapped out in advance, but the end result is formed in the course of the process. . Moreover: when can the result of such a design process be called good? What is beautiful for one person is awful for the other. What seems logical to one person is totally absurd for the other. This causes many problems in building practice.
Often these problems can be traced back to incorrect expectations. These false expectations arise because architects or other designers do not clearly recognize the ‘vagueness’ of a design process themselves in advance. In advance, a client himself has a certain idea of the end result, which has arisen from entirely his own thoughts. Even if it is only a very global picture. The architect also starts with an image of the end result. During the process, this image takes on more and more form, for both parties. Differently and in a different time frame, but it applies to both client and architect. Every conversation between client and architect contributes to the formation of this image. That is precisely why it is so essential that every conversation is conducted from a good approach, and that the expectations that a client has during the entire process are dealt with very consciously. Sometimes, for example, it is inevitable that a final design will ultimately look very different from the original sketch design. But if you know this, you can also take this into account to some extent. The more there is to see, the more a client can expect. Especially if the design is delivered without explanation. On the other hand, if a design is so sketchy that a client can not see enough, there are soon too few points to discuss and the expectations will also skew developments.
It is therefore crucial to align what is being discussed with what is on view, and vice versa. To achieve a good design, more than just creative skills is needed. Studio Flex guarantees an optimal process flow, by first approaching the process as a consultant. In this way, the project can be set up well in advance and then the expectations and thus the quality can be guaranteed during the process. The consultant guarantees on the one hand that the final product is the best answer to the original research question, and on the other hand that the creative designer is steered in the right direction. A creative person often loses himself in a design. From a certain point onwards, the design might be better in his eyes, but does the same apply to the client? If this is not the case, all these extra design hours will not only result in higher costs, but also a lower quality of the end product. Control is therefore necessary, without this being too restrictive for the creative processes involved.
By bringing these different expertise into each design issue together, Studio Flex can shorten the design process and at the same time improve the quality of the final design. More quality and less frustration, at lower costs. That is what Studio Flex stands for.