Wood skeleton construction, also abbreviated as HSB, is the use of a wooden supporting structure in a building. Specifically laminated wood in the form of CLT/cross laminated wood is increasingly being used, especially for tall buildings.
What does CLT stand for? CLT stands for Cross-Laminated Timber. These solid wooden plates consist of several layers of wood that are glued crosswise, exactly as the name indicates. In addition, CLT wood is light and easy to work with. A dream for all DIY builders and architects. It gives you all the freedom to build your own home down to the last detail. This makes it a great alternative to traditional building materials such as concrete or cement.
There are also many advantages of building CLT. For example, CLT is super sustainable and it also stores CO2. CLT is also reusable and it also looks very nice.
What about logging?
For every tree that is chopped, you plant a new young tree that also contains and emits more CO2.