

Since the end of 2017, Studio Flex has been involved in the development of a luxury apartment in an up-and-coming neighborhood in The Hague. During 2018, a vacant one-storey porch house in a poor state will be transformed into a unique two-storey, fully-equipped apartment. Through this blog you can follow the different phases of this exciting development project closely. Starting with the selection of the house, up to the final delivery and key transfer: Are you curious? Stay tuned!

Once in the possession of the environmental permit and a correct building plan with the newly designed layout, Konden the first steps of the project management being put.

Certainly in this phase the unburdening of the Customer plays a major role, What does DAT Studio Flex clearly communicate to the Client’s wishes to third parties and to draw up several offers. Budget, but were also selected in the excellent area of ​​the best partners.

With the quotation request we first made a selection of four contractors. In broad terms the project of an extra floor by a roof structure and the reconfiguration and total renovation of the apartment. All this before the end of 2018.

When comparing the money offers, we initially paid attention to price, quality, completeness and time. Soon two of the four contractors could be canceled and we viewed some of the other two projects from the other two. In order to arrive at a well-considered choice, you may want to be able to assess the promised quality and finish with your own eyes. This last inspection in combination with a personal interview with both parties ensured that the final choice was not difficult. Faith gives confidence in these types of projects, but the decisive factor.

The selected contractor Kon Studio Flex offered us a sharp quotation, which was neatly worked out in the data and contained no sloppy mistakes. The first personal messages also went very well and the company made a reliable and experienced impression.

Of course the door is our selected offer. Also logged in Personal encountered by the client, Which soon agreed to everyone’s satisfaction, after which the offer could be signed.

With this new partner to our wife the first concrete stacking can be made, namely the hull roof and the realization of the stairs.

To be continued …